BEHIND THE GAME : Assassin’s Creed activation

On the occasion of the BEHIND THE GAME exhibition, Com’Invader is carrying out a large-scale street marketing operation. This immersive exhibition explores the process of creating a video game, illustrated by the Assassin’s Creed saga. Over more than 700m², Ubisoft lifts the veil on the creative processes that combine science, art and technology. From the genesis of the concept and the exploratory research work, through artistic direction, systemic approach, motion capture and character creation, the exhibition invites you to take part in the process of creating an open world . Full of interactive devices combining generative art, video mapping, motion capture and 360° projection, it highlights the actions and reactions of the visitor, who then becomes an active participant in their experience. Com’Invader, partner of Gaité Lyrique, is carrying out the exhibition’s communication campaign, via a multi-support street marketing system. Panels adorned with an arrow showing the codes of the video game are installed near Parisian hot spots, a display at merchants as well as a large format free display operation complete the operation.


Immersive exhibition at the Gaîté Lyrique


Increase traffic


Boarding, Wild, Posting
