Wonder Boy, Olivier Roustaing

For the release of the film “Wonder Boy, Olivier Roustaing, Né sous X” by Annissa Bonnefont. Com’Invader is setting up a wild postering campaign in the streets of the capital and in 8 cities in France (Marseille, Lyon, Nantes, Toulouse, Rennes, Lille, Strasbourg, Montpellier, St Etienne) featuring the film’s poster. Eight years ago, at the age of 25, Olivier Roustaing became the artistic director of the French fashion house Balmain and made it one of the most influential of the moment after difficult years. During the Spring/Summer 2018 fashion show, he is the star, at the heart of all attention, and commands the admiration of his peers. All his life, he fought to “break his karma” and achieve success, in order to fill the painful void that lies deep within him… This success ultimately only reinforced this terrible loneliness. Olivier, a little black boy, born under X, adopted by a white Bordeaux family at the age of 1 month, does not know his biological parents. Today, he can no longer live without knowing where he comes from and decides to follow in the footsteps of his history. Wonder Boy recounts this journey, full of painful moments and saving discoveries, a powerful and inspiring film.


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